Wow! God is good. I've been reading Surrender by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I must admit that this book was the result of an impulse buy (since it was only five dollars at our church courtyard shop), but I have been so blessed by it. I started reading while in the Dominican Republic and God met me right where I was, as usual, right? I don't know if I'm the only one who does this but I have a tendency to dig into books and stop mid-way just to start another book. Either way, I picked this book up again after my women's bible study recommended it and - wowie! I love, love, love it. This post is primarily reflective of the last chapter I read so kudos to Nancy Leigh Demoss for her God - fearing heart.
I would like to think that I am fully surrendered to God in all that I do, but I’m not. Last night when I was lying in the most comfortable bed in the world (mine), with a lovely down comforter, loads of pillows, and the freedom to go to bed at any time desired (9:30pm that night), I realized I am not truly open to what God has for me. In discussing future plans for my career, I honestly thought that I was real when I said “I am open to wherever God wants me to be”. But as I was lying in my delightful resting place, I realized the limitations I continue to put on God’s plans for me. Yes, I am open to any job, but only if I like the salary. Yes, I am open to attending graduate school, but only if I can have a break before I start again. Yes, I am open to tithing, but as long as I have money left over for me. Yes, I am open to missionary work and traveling places that may not have drinkable water and the like; but that willingness comes with the premeditation that I STILL get to come home to a bed with blankets, an air conditioner, food on my table, unnecessary leisure activities, and money almost at my complete disposal. How sacrificial is that?
As a Christian, I have become so consumed with the phenotype of comfortable, “sacrificial” Christianity, and blind to the radical opportunities that God has for me. It's easy to go to church. It's easy to spend time with other Christians and it's easy for most to make wise decisions and refrain from a lot of the daily, social choices that are of the flesh. So do I really understand what a bondservant of Jesus Christ is?
In Deuteronomy 15, I read about slaves. After six years of being a slave, the slaves were required to be released after their time of service. If a slave loved his or her master enough to remain a slave, the ear would be pierced with a hole to designate lifetime commitment to a master. Radical.
“And if it happens that he [the bondservant] says to you, ‘I will not go away from you,’ because he loves you and your house, since he prospers with you, 17 then you shall take an awl and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever. Also to your female servant you shall do likewise.” Deuteronomy 15: 16-17
This is more than just a hole in someone’s ear. This is a sacrificial (legit sacrifice) life, with love and obedience to the Master’s will; without limitations and the opportunity to change. Intense, right? Not to mention that it requires to be completely owned by one’s master. Sound familiar? Was it always easy? Doubt it. Was the slave always happy? Probably not.
God's plans, without complacency, for me (and you) may mean:
-Spending my whole life ministering to a friend, family member, co-worker, when they are completely uninterested, unloving, and unresponsive.
- Sitting in traffic on my way to a job only to meet with unpleasant co – workers at a place where my efforts always go unnoticed
- Being a full – time parent who shows my, most often ungrateful,children the love of Christ in the way I live.
- Never being able to take vacation or experience free - time, hobbies or the like – but instead serving people who will never be able acknowledge me in gratitude.
- Going to school for over 7 years to work in a place where my faith is daily challenged.
- Working hard for a job promotion and achieving it, but then being devalued, demoralized, and degraded
- Living a life completely unnoticed by others
I can go into more detail by sharing the difference between slave and servant, but Nancy Leigh DeMoss does an awesome job so maybe Surrender will be your next read. (It’s only $4 for a used copy on Amazon or you can borrow my copy).
“For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10
“But made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Phillipians 2:7-8
I want to be able to say that I was sent as a bondservant of Jesus Christ just like others before me have said. I want the hole in my ear to be representative of the fullness of joy and confidence I have in my Master.
“But made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Phillipians 2:7-8
I want to be able to say that I was sent as a bondservant of Jesus Christ just like others before me have said. I want the hole in my ear to be representative of the fullness of joy and confidence I have in my Master.