11 December 2010


I don't know how to begin without using a cliche by including lines like, "change is hard" or "change is good" or even "what is change?"


I WILL say that there are wild changes going on around here!

1. I have officially completed the courses to receive my Bachelor's degree. (Woohoo!)

2. The doctor found bad cells in my mom's body which means trouble. Pray for healing.

3. I will forever have a certain ring on my finger until death do us part. (if you know what I mean)

4. I am learning how to rennovate a home and loving every bit of it.

5. Wedding planning involves a little more than I expected, but I love that, too.

a few more notes...

My friends are the bomb-diggity. I love, love, love them. (I even like them).

I like hugs at this time in my life so feel free to give me one, please.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

22 November 2010


I am blown away by God's blessings.

I will never understand the magnitude of God's love for me.

With my little understanding, I am grateful (beyond words!!) for the loving people God has used to encourage, strengthen, and love me. (even if it means ugly-face cries)

My unworthiness reveals how WORTHY God is to be praised.

"You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
Psalm 16:11

12 November 2010

A letter from my mom.

Cuba Gallery: Flowers / flora / nature / interior / flower photography
Photo by Cuba Gallery

Dearest Family and Friends,

I just returned from visiting the surgeon. She was very thorough in explaining everything to us and provided the different scenarios for us to consider as we endure the treatment process.

I should actually have Albert explain this to you, since he is a little bit more keen on medical terminology. But oh well...here goes...

I have been diagnosed with intermediate ductal carcinoma. Since the previous surgical procedure was to confirm the diagnosis, an additional procedure is necessary to collect more breast tissue to determine if my cancer is invasive. (If it has spread) The surgeon feels that the chances of me having invasive cancer is unlikely but wants to remove more tissue to rule out invasive cancer.

I have a mammography scheduled for next week and surgery scheduled for November 29th. Depending on the results I will then have the option of doing another lumpectomy with radiation treatment or may consider a mastectomy with reconstructive surgery. I have some time to think about my options between now and my future results.

Either way, I am ok with what needs to be done. I have been feeling the love from everyone and just want you to continue keeping me and actually all of the family in your prayers.

Psalm 28:7
The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise him.

Much Love,


29 October 2010

He = Glory


"He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name's sake."

Psalm 23:2-3

28 October 2010

In progress

The Door.

I have become confident in my own self-righteousness. I have been lying to myself. I am a work in progress. I am no one without the righteousness given to me by the work of Jesus Christ in my life (still, not my own). As a girl, a human, a student, a non-confrontational person, [insert label here], I have always found it somewhat difficult to establish friendships greater than the superficial hodge podge. I am highly reserved, which I really don't consider a bad quality most of the time, but my continued reservedness feeds my (already selfish) thoughts with false concepts of self-righteousness.

I know humility is not in my DNA. If it was up to me, of course I would want everything to go my way. But I can rejoice in the fact that God willingly teaches me humility. He knows I have so much to learn. Oh, how often do I forget that humility is not to be achieved. Weird, right? It shouldn't be!

I'll admit. It's hard for me to tell someone when I screw up.
Here's the least-humbling, greatest self-righteous part: it becomes easier when the difficulty subsides and I have nothing to share except for the victory I achieved through that horrible, selfish time in my life (but don't forget the part where I was victorious, wonderful, and holy). What a sickening way to think, but I'd be lying if I told you otherwise.

This is not what God wants in my relationship with Him and with brothers/sisters in Christ. No problems; only victories. That would be nice, but where's the part where I take up my cross? It lacks a growth in understanding, grace, and love.

I would love (I mean, love) to make it seem that I have everything together, that I always know what to do, or that I have all the answers, but God can't work with me or teach me if I strive for my own righteousness and take His place. If I'm not honest with myself, I rob God of all His holiness and glory in my life.

So I would like to think that everyone allows a degree of self-righteousness to plague their life at some point (or maybe it will just make me feel better if i think this way). Either way, I encourage you to be more real than before. Share difficulties while you're drowning in them so a brother or sister can be there to lift you up (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Make sure you go to God first, of course.
I promise I will do the same. :)

"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties;
And see if there is any wicked way
in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
Psalm 139:23-24

"For I say through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith." Romans 12:3

22 September 2010

Comments from Gate C6

Here are a few photos of the happenings taking place at Gate C6 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The byproduct of a five hour flight delay (and my own entertainment).

Photos are from my 2.0 mega pixel camera on my phone; nearly HD :)

The developing community of flight 263.

Louis Armstrong Airport

Apologies from United Airlines.

Pizza party!

Adios, Louisiana!

13 September 2010


"How blessed to feel assured that the Lord is with us in all our ways, and condescends to go down into our humiliations and banishments with us! Even beyond the ocean our Father's love beams like the sun in its strength. We cannot hesitate to go where Jehovah promises his presence. "Fear not" is the Lord's command and his divine encouragement to those who at his bidding are launching upon new seas; the divine presence and preservation forbid so much as one unbelieving fear. Without our God we should fear to move; but when he bids us go it would be dangerous to tarry. Reader, go forward, and fear not." -Spurgeon
BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

07 September 2010

A girl, a backpack, and a macaroon

I recently ventured into the wilderness of good ol' southern California. Let me just say that mountains show no mercy. Most of my party had a goal of summiting Mt. Whitney. My goal was to enjoy myself as a new backpacker and all. (and by 'new' I mean - what am I getting myself into - new). Thankfully, it was a wonderful experience and I would do it again. Granted, I would opt for a few changes like not hiking 12 miles in one day, but that's how it works I guess.

There definitely is a sense of community that backpackers share. Every passing hiker was sure to greet the next and perhaps even stop for a chat about expectations for the upcoming trail. We made friends, shared stories, and God answered our prayers for multiplying our food as a neighboring backpacker offered us an abnormally large macaroon and leftover pasta. God was so evident!

A few notes from a first-timer:
'Not showering for five days/four nights is doable
'Going #1 and #2 in the forest becomes easier as the days pass
'Please don't play tricks by saying, "Uh oh someone is coming", when a friend is #1-ing or #2-ing
'Even if you think you are incapable , you are fully capable
'A worship playlist is needed after 11,700 ft
'There are no expectations for clean hands or clean feet

day one
day two
day three
*along with a friendly marmot
day four
day five was so focused on making it to the car that I don't have any photos. Oops.
Until next time.

03 July 2010

For Entertainment Purposes Only.

I've recently come across a few old videos and I thought it would be nice to share them with you. In sharing, I fully recognize that I am far from an experienced videographer/editor/etc., but that should help you identify with them a little more. (I think?)


A gift for two years. Edited by an old coworker.

At the cost of embarrassing myself with how goofy this video appears, I hope you enjoy it - even just a little.

Behind the scenes fact: Hanson - MmBop was playing on my cell phone for us to dance to while filming.

An oldie from high school. Can you find me?

I'm inspired to make more. Sorry in advance for any odd video posts forthcoming.

27 June 2010

Because girls rule and Excedrin works...

Tonight ended with an unpleasant headache. Thankfully, Bree had some Excedrin to help with my headache - which also explains why I am still awake. Because Excedrin has so much caffeine, I imagined it would help me tackle some summer school (sad face) homework, but we all know procrastinating comes before productivity in life (and in the dictionary). :)

So, here is proof that girls rule. The winner of the sand castle contest at Revive Beach Day.

"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do;
She gave them some broth without any bread;
Then whipped them all soundly and put them to bed"

Old woman meets 2010 shoe and sand.

Insert plug here--->
For everyone reading this, come join us Sunday nights at Revive for fellowship, coffee, worship, and God's word.

Goodnight - hopefully!

21 June 2010

Happy Birthday to Cody.

Cody's birthday is the 28th of June and, as usual, he will not be home to celebrate. He is somewhat against how much people make birthdays such a big deal - this proved to be problematic when he started dating a girl who makes everything a big deal. :)

Anyway, in an attempt to 'one up' last year's birthday present, I made a reasonable effort to write him devotionals for his backpacking trip (Colorado, in case you were wondering). I hope for each one to encourage and challenge him. Here is a peek at Day 1 (lovey, mushy stuff removed). Maybe it will encourage some of you....

Love. Love. Love.
In reading first John with the lovely ladies, the constant, persistent, repeated, incessant idea is love. God, the Creator of the universe, the One who knows the hairs on your head, and has plans to prosper you (see luke 12:7 and jeremiah 29:11), loves you. Our understanding of God’s love is so limited because we only know love by the love emitted from those around us. And as hard as I try, my love is conditional, limiting, and self-seeking. Even in its most ‘perfect’ form, human love is still selfish. It’s hard to write about a love that I am still learning so much about and will never fully understand until I’m heaven. An activity we did after reading chapter four in first John was one that involved us writing out our fears. After writing them out, all vulnerability was out on the table, literally. In praying for others’ fears, I realized I also shared the same fears. And at the same time, I knew God’s word to encourage my sisters in those fears, but why was it so different when applying it to my life? In the same way, with any fears, worries, troubles, doubts that may burden you – God wants to hear them. I know you are mature enough in your Christianity to know how to fight the battles of fear, but doesn’t it seem harder when you actually have to face them? Our tongues can encourage brothers and sisters in their times of trouble, but how does our life reflect the same perseverance?

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1john3:18

By holding onto those fears, God’s love can’t be perfected in us. It’s not until we find freedom in Christ, separated from those fears, that we can better understand God’s love for us in that victory. This means the big fears and the small ones. God wants to handle all of them. Pretty cool, huh?

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. 1john4:18

Pray that God will pour out his love on you in radical ways so you can love others in ways that may be uncomfortable. Ask God to reveal to you the fears that you have. Pray for growth in understanding God’s love so His love can be perfected in you and cast out those fears.

Behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! 1john 3:1
But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 1john 2:5
By this we know love because He laid down His life for us. 1john 3:16
God is love. 1john4:8

15 June 2010

Salvation Mountain

Leonard Knight is a prime example of a life lived for Christ. Some may argue that his stationary living is far from God’s will – but his life is evidence that God’s ways are bigger than any of our silly guidelines and ideas of Christianity.

He knows love and he lives love.

I saw a photo journal about Leonard in the Los Angeles Times, which was what initiated our mini road trip to Niland, CA. I had the mindset that it would be like Senior Prom – high expectations and loads of excitement – only to be disappointed when the event didn’t turn out that way. But I was so glad I was wrong, and kind of bummed that I thought those things. His personality and life speak beyond any idea of selflessness and joy. He challenged me to reflect on whether or not I could live a life unnoticed by others and be content. I realized I possibly could, but I definitely couldn’t have the abounding joy that Leonard has. This was real. Genuine. Amazing. From GOD. I would be the grumpy old woman who nobody would want to be around.

Here are a few of my observations:
- He offered the little that he had to absolute strangers
- Used the small time he had to share the love of Jesus and preach the Gospel
- He was the most welcoming older man I have ever met
(let’s be honest, most are pretty grumpy)
- Did not shed a hint of negativity while living in the middle of nowhere
- Spends his nights sleeping in the bed of his truck with 100+ heat

My words can’t capture his personality enough so watch this video to see his big heart. I would strongly recommend you to visit him. You will leave encouraged.

I was fortunate enough to sit and chat with Leonard for a bit, and there were no awkward silences – just love. He asked me about my family; if I had brothers and sisters. We talked about the bible and his favorite verses (Acts 2:38). He shared what he received from others and how it was used to share God’s love. I asked him if he needed anything - the PB & J in our car, water, money, snacks – he said no. It’s so crazy to see someone living so radically and remain content with their life. Shouldn’t that be how I live? Sanctified? He offered the water he had (and even mentioned how he had new cups). He gave us postcards and magnets to share with others. I want to give one to you if you are reading this. All he wants is for God’s love to be spread through the gospel to everyone. Shouldn’t I have the same heart? Yes, I do sometimes – but Leonard does everyday. Not a selfish comment from his mouth. Anyone would look at Leonard and think he had close to nothing, but he has more than I will probably ever have. I admire him for that.

Leonard’s one request was for us to share and spread God’s love to others; to stop making God so complicated. He also repeatedly mentioned how much he enjoys people who visit and take photos. If you can, take a trip to visit him and enjoy a great conversation. Bring a notebook because I really regret not taking notes. Leonard started his project when he was in his 50s and didn’t plan on staying there for almost 30 years. This was definitely a challenge for me to see how willing I really am to living a life to glorify God – that means no glory to me. An idea I still don’t understand.

Giving Us A Tour

'Yellow Brick Road'

Salvation Mountain

All of this poorly represents the overall experience, but I promised Leonard I would tell others about him. He really liked that. I’m sure you know how this is ending. I didn’t want to leave Leonard alone in the desert by himself, but man – Leonard was content. It was intense. He didn’t care that he was alone, that it was 100+ degrees, that he was almost 80 years old, or that he may have to give more tours to strangers that day. He lived love. Let Leonard be an example to us, when we become so caught up in the unimportant parts of Christian living – the parts we fuss so much over, when they really don’t need to be such a big deal. God is bigger than all that minor stuff, focus on Jesus and “keep it simple, just keep it simple

Oh yes! Meet Mikey(in the yellow) and Mike. Against all motherly advice, we gave some friendly hitchhikers a ride. They were headed to the ‘Slabs’. (Also seen in Into the Wild). They also had great stories, but Leonard wins this time. :)

10 June 2010

Summer's First Date

Today was filled with a few adventures and a dash of disappointment
Cody and I confirmed our shared love for veggie omelets at Rialto Cafe.
We shared a couch and an hour of Mancala.
We enjoyed hand-crafted beverages (well mine at least) from Cafe West.

I sewed and stuffed a few small pillows for some backpacking friends.
Nice and fluffy-and of course, light weight.

Cody helped me figure out how to make my first yo yo. It turned out okay.

I just hid my mistakes with a 3 cent button from 3 Way Thrift.

We also had a coupon for 20% off. :)

I added our final product to an inexpensive tank top for a cute accent.

A day of DIY projects, anyone? It would be fun to exchange ideas.

03 June 2010

Today's rant

Today I shared a pleasant run-in (although I can only speak for myself) with a stranger. A friend and I were trying to kill time before the first night of our new bible study, CrazyLove by Francis Chan. (so excited for this summer reread!). We went to a nearby store for some friendly strolling. While in the men's section, we heard one of the loudest bodily forms of noise pollution possible. :) It was GRAND. I think I blushed a little. There's nothing better than a man realizing his fart didn't go unnoticed as he overhears two girls chuckling behind the clothing racks :)
Had to share.

We also enjoyed a delightful pizookie in celebration of Bree's (short for Brianna) academic goodness . It was nice having another night of girl talk and God talk. Familiar with the unplanned car chats before going home? Those are always the best - and probably the conversations I remember most. Prayer and encouragement. I love those girls. This is the part where I usually insert a photo and talk about each one, but I don't have photos and I have a final at 9am. So until then...'I love you's will suffice.

02 June 2010

An Open Door.

photo by Jörg Dickmann

A lot of my studying/writing/reading is done in places like the stairs near my 2pm lecture or the comfortable man-eating sofas in neighborhood coffee shops. My time removed from home was originally initiated by efforts to refrain from falling asleep, eating too much, or looking for that lost sock that seemed so much more important than any of tomorrow's deadlines. After becoming all to familiar - and quite comfortable - with the false idea that I somehow had a social life as I spent quality time alone with my books in public, I found myself unable to study any other way. With exceptions to store hours and laziness, most of my time digging into books exists far from my lovely abode.

Tonight, I am home studying. It's nice. I don't have to wear shoes. My hair is a delightful mess. Snacks are at my complete disposal. And I don't have to take all of my stuff to the bathroom for fear of someone stealing it. In all of that, I've come to realize another influence that keeps me from satisfying any sort of deadlines at home - privacy. But this lacking privacy is a good deficiency. Here's why....

I am the youngest child in a family of five. My brother and sister are married and off doing their domestic sort of things. That leaves me here with my parents and the extra perks of being the last child in the nest. :) It wasn't until recently that I realized how God has been working in my household. Yes, I may be the youngest who probably talks the least at family gatherings and is still the least responsible (shh..). But despite all of that, I see the works of God moving in my household and I wouldn't change that for anything. You see - the dwindling privacy has everything to do with our door always being open to anyone. I love that! In times when friends, family members, and anyone is in need of advice, love, food, company, or just a listening ear - they see our house as a place comfy-cozy enough to drop in. Granted, it may not always be picture-perfect clean, but the hoarder in me finds comfort in the small messes.

My heart's desire is to maintain a house in which people - strangers - anyone - can come and be fed spiritually, physically and all of the above. Every answer will point to Jesus and all glory will be to Him. I won't be a Danny Tanner, but I also won't be on the next episode of Clean House. I will be Ashley - devoted to God's wisdom. There will be tears, burdens, cookies, prayer, love, listening, and maybe a few words regretfully slipped by the usual frustrated visitor. My cooking probably won't be the best, but I hope my love will make up for that.

Someone came over today - he/she wanted to talk. I reminded my dad to answer everything by pointing to Jesus. The best part of it all was hearing (as the song on my Ipod changed - no snooping intended) my dad do exactly that - point to Jesus. I don't know what his/her needs are, or even if there are needs, but I love that because of God moving in our house, He is always the answer. :)

Again, a new commandment I write to you, which thing is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining. 1John 2:8

Thank you to Marcos "bear hugs" for the new header layout. See above.

27 May 2010

Seven more days...

...until Summer begins

5 more classes
2 more quizzes
1 more paper
3 more finals
1 more project

5 weeks of summer school
6 days of summer camp
1 day of Knott's 6th grade trip
? days of hiking
3 nights of weddings
too many cookies

and 3 months removed from deadlines and schedules

Fall 2010
1 class
1 internship
big-person job


24 May 2010

Because every humble person needs someone to be un-humble for them...

Consider this post the product of procrastination and too much coffee. These brainwaves of mine are moving at an unimaginable pace, and I’m pretty sure my blood pressure has almost reached its max before it becomes quite critical.


My most recent studying habits involve camping at a nearby Starbucks (Cody’s) accompanied by friends. Most often, the first hour is spent settling in and talking about our day’s frustrations, delights, revelations, etc. Today, I shared my frustrations, but I'll leave 'negative Nancy' out of this.

After running out of websites to hunt down unnecessary anythings, I managed to distract my fellow study buddies by “Googling” each of our names. By the way, does anyone else love that "Google" is a verb? Maybe I am the only one.

I found out that I have an identical twin, who happens to be a country singer – bahaha. Anyway, we “Googled" Cody’s name and realized how talented he is. Consider me biased - with all the love and all - but every good photographer deserves a little recognition. And since I am really good at procrastinating, I had no better option than to brag about this little humble munchkin.

Check out some of his blog-worthy (and everthing else-worthy) photos.

Happy Place
Happy Place.


photos by Cody Anker (in case he tries to sue me or something)

Don't you feel like you know him a little better now?

I hope he isn't embarrassed.

"Authority exercised with humility, and obedience accepted with delight are the very lines along which our spirits live." - C.S. Lewis

14 May 2010

Can you see the hole in my ear?

Wow! God is good. I've been reading Surrender by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I must admit that this book was the result of an impulse buy (since it was only five dollars at our church courtyard shop), but I have been so blessed by it. I started reading while in the Dominican Republic and God met me right where I was, as usual, right? I don't know if I'm the only one who does this but I have a tendency to dig into books and stop mid-way just to start another book. Either way, I picked this book up again after my women's bible study recommended it and - wowie! I love, love, love it. This post is primarily reflective of the last chapter I read so kudos to Nancy Leigh Demoss for her God - fearing heart.

I would like to think that I am fully surrendered to God in all that I do, but I’m not. Last night when I was lying in the most comfortable bed in the world (mine), with a lovely down comforter, loads of pillows, and the freedom to go to bed at any time desired (9:30pm that night), I realized I am not truly open to what God has for me. In discussing future plans for my career, I honestly thought that I was real when I said “I am open to wherever God wants me to be”. But as I was lying in my delightful resting place, I realized the limitations I continue to put on God’s plans for me. Yes, I am open to any job, but only if I like the salary. Yes, I am open to attending graduate school, but only if I can have a break before I start again. Yes, I am open to tithing, but as long as I have money left over for me. Yes, I am open to missionary work and traveling places that may not have drinkable water and the like; but that willingness comes with the premeditation that I STILL get to come home to a bed with blankets, an air conditioner, food on my table, unnecessary leisure activities, and money almost at my complete disposal. How sacrificial is that?

As a Christian, I have become so consumed with the phenotype of comfortable, “sacrificial” Christianity, and blind to the radical opportunities that God has for me. It's easy to go to church. It's easy to spend time with other Christians and it's easy for most to make wise decisions and refrain from a lot of the daily, social choices that are of the flesh. So do I really understand what a bondservant of Jesus Christ is?

In Deuteronomy 15, I read about slaves. After six years of being a slave, the slaves were required to be released after their time of service. If a slave loved his or her master enough to remain a slave, the ear would be pierced with a hole to designate lifetime commitment to a master. Radical.

“And if it happens that he [the bondservant] says to you, ‘I will not go away from you,’ because he loves you and your house, since he prospers with you, 17 then you shall take an awl and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever. Also to your female servant you shall do likewise.” Deuteronomy 15: 16-17

This is more than just a hole in someone’s ear. This is a sacrificial (legit sacrifice) life, with love and obedience to the Master’s will; without limitations and the opportunity to change. Intense, right? Not to mention that it requires to be completely owned by one’s master. Sound familiar? Was it always easy? Doubt it. Was the slave always happy? Probably not.

God's plans, without complacency, for me (and you) may mean:

-Spending my whole life ministering to a friend, family member, co-worker, when they are completely uninterested, unloving, and unresponsive.

- Sitting in traffic on my way to a job only to meet with unpleasant co – workers at a place where my efforts always go unnoticed

- Being a full – time parent who shows my, most often ungrateful,children the love of Christ in the way I live.

- Never being able to take vacation or experience free - time, hobbies or the like – but instead serving people who will never be able acknowledge me in gratitude.

- Going to school for over 7 years to work in a place where my faith is daily challenged.

- Working hard for a job promotion and achieving it, but then being devalued, demoralized, and degraded

- Living a life completely unnoticed by others

I can go into more detail by sharing the difference between slave and servant, but Nancy Leigh DeMoss does an awesome job so maybe Surrender will be your next read. (It’s only $4 for a used copy on Amazon or you can borrow my copy).

“For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10

“But made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Phillipians 2:7-8

I want to be able to say that I was sent as a bondservant of Jesus Christ just like others before me have said. I want the hole in my ear to be representative of the fullness of joy and confidence I have in my Master.

09 May 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to a mom who always makes sure I don’t go to bed hungry; who would make me peanut butter and jelly at any hour – if I asked; who helps me decide on which blouses match best with my shoes. Happy Mother’s Day to a mom who tells me she is proud even when it seems like I don’t care, who cried with me when I started my period in Junior High, who also went with me to buy my first purse that same day. Happy Mother’s Day to a mom who gives hugs that nobody else can give; who gives me her socks when I can’t find any; who accompanies me to do all the girly stuff like shopping, pedicures, and makeup hauls. Happy Mother’s Day to a mom who is the best mom I could ever ask for. Thank you for teaching me how to be a wonderful mother just by being you. I love you, mom.
My mom.

We celebrated Mother’s Day with a wonderful lunch to honor our amazing, selfless, sacrificial mothers. As each mother arrived, she was greeted with a tiara, a pearl necklace, a wand, and a few bedazzled rings (kudos to my sis for the queen-themed props). All the mothers enjoyed the lovely food that so many helped to prepare. I attempted to make my first raspberry crumb cake from scratch. I was pretty excited that it turned out so well. All in all, each mom felt extremely special as children rotated in serving them various dishes. They deserve it! Thank you to all who helped make this day such a success for the mothers who deserve so much more.

Meet Oma. (Grandma in Dutch).
Born and partly raised in Indonesia (until age 13), she is a woman whose selfless lifestyle has most likely gone unnoticed because of her absence in complaints. I remember hearing her stories about eating chocolate covered grasshoppers in Indonesia, hiding in mud up to her chin during the war, and seeking refuge in a farmer’s house. What a life! Despite her intriguing history, she is filled with bundles of energy and her silly jokes never cease to surprise us. An Indonesian woman who fell in love with a Dutch boy in Amsterdam helped create history and eventually bear wonderful mothers. I hope my grandchildren will be able to reflect - in curiosity - at my life and see that I led a selfless life just as much as Oma did. Happy Mother’s Day.

Meet Cody’s mom – Sue. The first woman I’ve seen to gracefully balance a chic femininity with an unwavering courageous side. What I mean is – she does the stuff that women most often ask their husbands to do – not in an unattractive, manly sort of way, but in a wow-I-wish-I-was-less-needy-and-more-like-Sue kind of way; a hard worker. She encourages me to try out the adventurous stuff that becomes no longer off limits just because men mostly do it (although she is deathly afraid of spiders). She is an awesome, wonderful woman of God who has sacrificed so much of herself to raise her boys. I admire her for that. Happy Mother’s Day.

Meet Adriana. My brother-in-law’s mother. Although I don’t know her too well, her life continuously bears evidence of the love she has for her children. Unbelievable sacrifices to ensure that her children have opportunities for successful futures. All I can say is that I pretty much dig my bro-in-law, so she did an awesome job. Happy Mother’s Day.

"For A Special Mother"

Our best "motherly" decor.

Delightful goodies.

Compliments of my dad, the next Iron Chef.

The best gift.
Each mom recieved personally written cards from each child.

This was most often the result of reading the personalized cards.
The best gift for a mom.

Happy Mother's Day!

02 May 2010

Swap Party

Today marks the first, successful Swap Party of 2010. We loaded up on snacks, the best kind of bargains (the FREE kind), and good company. Interested in hosting your own?

Here’s how:

Step one: Invite friends who may be interested in renewing their wardrobe or reading a new book. Make it easy by simply sending a text or email invite.

Step two: Start digging through your closet to find those impulse buys that you really thought you would wear, but never did. No worries, my friend. One girl’s impulse purchase is another girl’s gem.

Step three: This step should be the only spending involved. Purchase a few delightful goodies for your guests to enjoy. Examples of this may include the big boxes of appetizers found in the freezer sections at your local super market. These were a hit. ;)

Step four: Figure out a unique way to start the swap. The example from the party-inspired source, Real Simple, was to use tokens to correspond with the items brought. (ex. 3 items = 3 tokens) Easy, right? I just used the honesty policy and it worked quiet well!

Step five: The day of the party should be worry free since it is highly dependent on the amount of items your guests bring. Oh, don’t worry…you will be pleasantly surprised at the gems that your guests have in their closets – not to mention the amount of items they have in their closets. The more items you have, the more selection for everyone.

Enjoy the snacks, drink some tea, and have fun!

The delightful finds I snagged.
handkerchiefs, jewelry (although I don't really wear it), and tops

Happy Swapper. Meet Kim.

For lack of a better phrase??
jackets, dresses, blouses, skirts, etc.
Materials: Duct Tape. Cardboard.

Swap Shop.

My Favorite Section.

We can't forget the goodies.
Florentine and 3 Cheese Quiche, Assorted Veggies, and Bruschetta to name a few.

Something to wash it down with???
(No, those cups were not stolen. Long story, but I am not a thief.)

See you at the next Swap!

30 April 2010

Hiking Shoes.

Tomorrow I am going Hiking. When other people mention plans to hike, there is power in the words. At least for me, I think about how, most of the time, I express it in a way that implies I am an “experienced” hiker. What does it mean to be experienced? I definitely couldn’t tell you.
5 hikes = experienced?
1 hike without getting lost = experienced?
I guess it doesn’t matter.

It’s funny to think how often I try to claim I know something when I don’t. Oh, my pride! In the process of preparing for Mt. Whitney in August, Cody has helped me with all the necessities. How much more proof is needed to confirm that I have no idea what I’m doing? Hiking shoes? For what? Last time I went hiking, I was at Maunawili Falls wearing my Toms. Did I know what I was doing? Not a chance! But I definitely felt like I had accomplished something .

What I am trying to get at is this...Despite my stubborn desires to want to KNOW everything, or feel as if I know what I am doing (when I really have no idea), there is comfort. Even when I try to explain to Cody that I don’t want to be babied, but I still need help, it just becomes a confusing cycle of ambiguity. The times I tell God I need guidance and wisdom, but find my own, easier route, it also just becomes a confusing cycle of ambiguity.

This definitely reflects a lot of the changes that have happened, are currently happening, and will happen in the future. As much as I want to say, “ I’m doing this and this and that when I graduate and working here while living here and having this many babies” - there is comfort in not knowing. In the same way, it is hard to admit when I am clueless; that I have no idea what shoe to pick, why some hiking shoes weigh more than others, the importance of a bag liner, what a bag liner even is, that a bladder can exist outside of my body and on my back, etc. etc. etc. But in that waiting and learning, there is anticipation, peace, and a little anxiety that make you feel accomplished once you get to that place. It’s the same with God. Just as the beauty of God’s creation is revealed as we climb to the peak (yes, a word I recently discovered), the beauty of God is revealed in those times when we don’t know. We eagerly anticipate that place that seems like such a big deal to us, when it may even be worthless, if the trail taken was spent staring at the ground. Even when we reach that place, we still might be clueless, but God is faithful.

I get anxiety over a lot of things. I have ideas. I get anxious. And start planning almost always too early in advance. A lot of times, my persistance to do things the way I want them to be done only results in disappointment. Plans fall through and it most often results in an unpleasant outcome. How often does that happen with the bogus plans I make for my life through my anxieties to have answers? Okay, God… Here is my plan. Does that sounds good? Um.. I think that was a Yes. Okay here we go…WRONG.

So despite the fact that I don’t know what is next, I’m going to enjoy the hike; digging deeper into understanding the needs of each piece of armor along the way. Join me.

You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Psalm 16:11