Leonard Knight is a prime example of a life lived for Christ. Some may argue that his stationary living is far from God’s will – but his life is evidence that God’s ways are bigger than any of our silly guidelines and ideas of Christianity.
He knows love and he lives love.
I saw a photo journal about Leonard in the Los Angeles Times, which was what initiated our mini road trip to Niland, CA. I had the mindset that it would be like Senior Prom – high expectations and loads of excitement – only to be disappointed when the event didn’t turn out that way. But I was so glad I was wrong, and kind of bummed that I thought those things. His personality and life speak beyond any idea of selflessness and joy. He challenged me to reflect on whether or not I could live a life unnoticed by others and be content. I realized I possibly could, but I definitely couldn’t have the abounding joy that Leonard has. This was real. Genuine. Amazing. From GOD. I would be the grumpy old woman who nobody would want to be around.
Here are a few of my observations:
- He offered the little that he had to absolute strangers
- Used the small time he had to share the love of Jesus and preach the Gospel
- He was the most welcoming older man I have ever met
(let’s be honest, most are pretty grumpy)
- Did not shed a hint of negativity while living in the middle of nowhere
- Spends his nights sleeping in the bed of his truck with 100+ heat
My words can’t capture his personality enough so watch this video to see his big heart. I would strongly recommend you to visit him. You will leave encouraged.
I was fortunate enough to sit and chat with Leonard for a bit, and there were no awkward silences – just love. He asked me about my family; if I had brothers and sisters. We talked about the bible and his favorite verses (Acts 2:38). He shared what he received from others and how it was used to share God’s love. I asked him if he needed anything - the PB & J in our car, water, money, snacks – he said no. It’s so crazy to see someone living so radically and remain content with their life. Shouldn’t that be how I live? Sanctified? He offered the water he had (and even mentioned how he had new cups). He gave us postcards and magnets to share with others. I want to give one to you if you are reading this. All he wants is for God’s love to be spread through the gospel to everyone. Shouldn’t I have the same heart? Yes, I do sometimes – but Leonard does everyday. Not a selfish comment from his mouth. Anyone would look at Leonard and think he had close to nothing, but he has more than I will probably ever have. I admire him for that.
Leonard’s one request was for us to share and spread God’s love to others; to stop making God so complicated. He also repeatedly mentioned how much he enjoys people who visit and take photos. If you can, take a trip to visit him and enjoy a great conversation. Bring a notebook because I really regret not taking notes. Leonard started his project when he was in his 50s and didn’t plan on staying there for almost 30 years. This was definitely a challenge for me to see how willing I really am to living a life to glorify God – that means no glory to me. An idea I still don’t understand.
Giving Us A Tour

'Yellow Brick Road'
Salvation Mountain
All of this poorly represents the overall experience, but I promised Leonard I would tell others about him. He really liked that. I’m sure you know how this is ending. I didn’t want to leave Leonard alone in the desert by himself, but man – Leonard was content. It was intense. He didn’t care that he was alone, that it was 100+ degrees, that he was almost 80 years old, or that he may have to give more tours to strangers that day. He lived love. Let Leonard be an example to us, when we become so caught up in the unimportant parts of Christian living – the parts we fuss so much over, when they really don’t need to be such a big deal. God is bigger than all that minor stuff, focus on Jesus and “keep it simple, just keep it simple”
Oh yes! Meet Mikey(in the yellow) and Mike. Against all motherly advice, we gave some friendly hitchhikers a ride. They were headed to the ‘Slabs’. (Also seen in Into the Wild). They also had great stories, but Leonard wins this time. :)