Cody's birthday is the 28th of June and, as usual, he will not be home to celebrate. He is somewhat against how much people make birthdays such a big deal - this proved to be problematic when he started dating a girl who makes everything a big deal. :)
Anyway, in an attempt to 'one up' last year's birthday present, I made a reasonable effort to write him devotionals for his backpacking trip (Colorado, in case you were wondering). I hope for each one to encourage and challenge him. Here is a peek at Day 1 (lovey, mushy stuff removed). Maybe it will encourage some of you....
Love. Love. Love.
In reading first John with the lovely ladies, the constant, persistent, repeated, incessant idea is love. God, the Creator of the universe, the One who knows the hairs on your head, and has plans to prosper you (see luke 12:7 and jeremiah 29:11), loves you. Our understanding of God’s love is so limited because we only know love by the love emitted from those around us. And as hard as I try, my love is conditional, limiting, and self-seeking. Even in its most ‘perfect’ form, human love is still selfish. It’s hard to write about a love that I am still learning so much about and will never fully understand until I’m heaven. An activity we did after reading chapter four in first John was one that involved us writing out our fears. After writing them out, all vulnerability was out on the table, literally. In praying for others’ fears, I realized I also shared the same fears. And at the same time, I knew God’s word to encourage my sisters in those fears, but why was it so different when applying it to my life? In the same way, with any fears, worries, troubles, doubts that may burden you – God wants to hear them. I know you are mature enough in your Christianity to know how to fight the battles of fear, but doesn’t it seem harder when you actually have to face them? Our tongues can encourage brothers and sisters in their times of trouble, but how does our life reflect the same perseverance?
My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1john3:18
By holding onto those fears, God’s love can’t be perfected in us. It’s not until we find freedom in Christ, separated from those fears, that we can better understand God’s love for us in that victory. This means the big fears and the small ones. God wants to handle all of them. Pretty cool, huh?
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. 1john4:18
Pray that God will pour out his love on you in radical ways so you can love others in ways that may be uncomfortable. Ask God to reveal to you the fears that you have. Pray for growth in understanding God’s love so His love can be perfected in you and cast out those fears.
Behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! 1john 3:1
But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 1john 2:5
By this we know love because He laid down His life for us. 1john 3:16
God is love. 1john4:8
Love. Love. Love.
In reading first John with the lovely ladies, the constant, persistent, repeated, incessant idea is love. God, the Creator of the universe, the One who knows the hairs on your head, and has plans to prosper you (see luke 12:7 and jeremiah 29:11), loves you. Our understanding of God’s love is so limited because we only know love by the love emitted from those around us. And as hard as I try, my love is conditional, limiting, and self-seeking. Even in its most ‘perfect’ form, human love is still selfish. It’s hard to write about a love that I am still learning so much about and will never fully understand until I’m heaven. An activity we did after reading chapter four in first John was one that involved us writing out our fears. After writing them out, all vulnerability was out on the table, literally. In praying for others’ fears, I realized I also shared the same fears. And at the same time, I knew God’s word to encourage my sisters in those fears, but why was it so different when applying it to my life? In the same way, with any fears, worries, troubles, doubts that may burden you – God wants to hear them. I know you are mature enough in your Christianity to know how to fight the battles of fear, but doesn’t it seem harder when you actually have to face them? Our tongues can encourage brothers and sisters in their times of trouble, but how does our life reflect the same perseverance?
My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1john3:18
By holding onto those fears, God’s love can’t be perfected in us. It’s not until we find freedom in Christ, separated from those fears, that we can better understand God’s love for us in that victory. This means the big fears and the small ones. God wants to handle all of them. Pretty cool, huh?
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. 1john4:18
Pray that God will pour out his love on you in radical ways so you can love others in ways that may be uncomfortable. Ask God to reveal to you the fears that you have. Pray for growth in understanding God’s love so His love can be perfected in you and cast out those fears.
Behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! 1john 3:1
But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 1john 2:5
By this we know love because He laid down His life for us. 1john 3:16
God is love. 1john4:8
that's pretty cool Ash. I never really thought about our fears getting in the way of being able to love others the way God wants us to, like my fear of rejection makes me already feel defeated & so I hold back from loving others... it really does make you think :)